Corporate Social Responsibility


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a fundamental guiding principle for Supergalvanica. Our mission goes beyond generating profit, extending to the well-being of our stakeholders, the environment, and the community in which we operate. This document outlines our commitment to CSR, describing our policies, initiatives, and achievements.

Commitment to Ownership

The ownership of Supergalvanica focuses on a strategy of sustainable and stable growth in the long term. This approach builds a solid economic base and ensures adequate remuneration of invested capital. Our long-term vision includes investments in innovation and continuous improvement, thus ensuring the company's stability and solidity.

Market and Customer Orientation

Supergalvanica operates in several key sectors, including electromechanics, electronics, automotive, hydrosanitary fittings, connectors, and precision mechanics. Our diversified business model allows us to face market challenges with flexibility and resilience.

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of our activities. To ensure maximum quality, we provide quality certificates for every treatment. Each product undergoes rigorous controls to ensure it meets the highest standards. In case of non-conformity, we take a proactive approach: we analyze each case carefully to identify causes and implement necessary corrections and improvements. This commitment allows us to maintain a high level of trust and satisfaction among our over 200 customers.

Employee Development

Our staff is the heart of our company. Employee loyalty and very low turnover testify to a positive and collaborative work environment. We continuously invest in the training and professional development of our employees, ensuring they have the necessary skills to grow with us.

Our compensation policies include significant production bonuses and the possibility of overtime, demonstrating our commitment to recognizing the value of the work done.

Supplier Relationships

Supergalvanica's suppliers are strategic partners in our value chain. We maintain long-term relationships based on service quality and technical assistance. Diversification of supply sources is a priority for us to prevent supply interruptions. We continue to monitor and evaluate our suppliers to ensure they meet our standards of flexibility and reliability.

Environmental Sustainability

We operate in a residential context that requires us to be particularly attentive to the environmental impact of our activities. Compliance with all environmental regulations is an essential priority for us. We maintain a good relationship with the local community, ensuring we do not cause disturbance and always operate within the law. Every change to our production activities takes these environmental considerations into account.

Our purification plant is highly advanced and designed to effectively treat a wide range of waste from galvanic plants. The purification process begins with the collection of wastewater, which is conveyed into equalization tanks to standardize its chemical characteristics. Subsequently, the water passes through a chemical-physical treatment system that includes neutralization, heavy metal precipitation, and coagulation-flocculation to remove suspended solids. The resulting sludge is dehydrated and safely disposed of in compliance with regulations. The treated water undergoes further filtration and refinement processes to ensure contaminant levels are below legal limits before being released into the environment. This advanced system allows us to efficiently and safely manage the waste produced, minimizing the environmental impact of our activities.

Innovation and Technology

Supergalvanica continuously invests in new technologies and tools to maintain and improve the quality of our products and services. Our machine and plant park is adequate for current needs, but we are already planning future investments to support new business and meet the growing market demand.


Corporate social responsibility is a commitment that Supergalvanica takes seriously. We continue to work to improve our economic, social, and environmental impact, guided by principles of sustainability and long-term growth. We are proud of the achievements we have made and determined to continue on this path, aware that the company's success is closely linked to the well-being of our stakeholders and the community in which we operate.