Treatments/Nickel Plating

Nickel Plating

Articolo Nichelato

Nickel plating is a galvanic treatment that offers high hardness and significant corrosion resistance. This process creates a uniform protective layer on metallic components, ensuring low electrical contact resistivity that remains stable over time.

Ideal for industrial applications where high quality and durability are required, Supergalvanica's chemical nickel plating ensures homogeneous thickness distribution of the deposit. It is often used as an underlayer for gold plating, silver plating, and tinning treatments.

Technical Characteristics

Chemical Nickel Plating

The nickel plating treatment is performed using an acidic bath that deposits a uniform nickel-phosphorus alloy. The initial deposit hardness is 550 Vickers, which can reach up to 950 Vickers through a heat treatment of one hour at 400°C. The resulting surface appearance can be semi-glossy or glossy, depending on the base material, while the final color is silver-gray.

Electrolytic Nickel Plating (Sulfamate)

Treatment that allows obtaining semi-glossy and glossy deposits characterized by exceptional ductility and good corrosion resistance. Additionally, it presents very low internal stresses, significantly reducing the phenomenon of "stress-corrosion".

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Materials Treated

  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Brass
  • Iron
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Allowed Dimensions

Frame processing up to 2 meters in length.

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Types of Treatment

  • Frame
Immagine di sfondo con texture astrattaSupergalvanica

If you are looking for a galvanic treatment that offers high hardness and corrosion resistance, our nickel plating is the ideal choice. Perfect for demanding industrial applications, chemical nickel plating creates a uniform protective layer and ensures low electrical contact resistivity. The electrolytic sulfamate treatment offers semi-glossy or glossy deposits with exceptional ductility and reduction of "stress-corrosion".

Contact us today to discover how our nickel plating treatments can improve the performance of your components. Our team of experts is ready to provide you with personalized consultations, detailed quotes, and answer all your questions.

Immagine di sfondo con texture astratta

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