

Articolo Passivato

Passivation is a chemical treatment used to make a material less reactive to external agents. This process forms a protective layer on the material's surface, significantly reducing corrosion.

The passivation process works by creating an oxide layer on the metal surface. This layer acts as a barrier that prevents oxidizing agents and corrosive elements from penetrating and reacting with the base metal.

Technical Characteristics

Aluminum Passivation

This surface conversion chemical treatment produces a passive film by transforming the surface layers of aluminum. It can be performed as a final treatment or as a pretreatment for painting. It is carried out on aluminum and its alloys.

Stainless Steel Passivation

This chemical treatment is performed on stainless steel parts to remove iron or other less noble material contaminants that would compromise the corrosion resistance of the components.

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Materials Treated

  • Aluminum
  • Stainless Steel
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Allowed Dimensions

Frame processing up to 2 meters in length and barrel plating for small parts.

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Types of Treatment

  • Frame
  • Barrel
Immagine di sfondo con texture astrattaSupergalvanica

If you want to make your materials less reactive to external agents and significantly reduce corrosion, our passivation treatment is the ideal solution. This process forms a protective oxide layer on the metal surface, creating a barrier against oxidizing and corrosive agents.

We offer passivation for aluminum, creating a passive film ideal even as a pretreatment for painting, and for stainless steel, removing iron contaminants to improve corrosion resistance. Contact us today to discover how our passivation treatments can enhance the performance of your components. Our team of experts is ready to provide you with personalized consultations, detailed quotes, and answer all your questions.

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